acne scar removal

Acne Scar Removal

Acne scars are depressions or pits in the skin due to inflammation of acne blemishes, which penetrates the skin and damages the tissues beneath it.

Some acne scars are shallow and heal quickly, while others can be deep and permanent.

acne scar removal skin problem

Why Do I Need Acne Scar Removal?

Acne scars generally do not go away entirely on their own, and depressed acne scars often become more noticeable with age as the skin loses collagen. Early treatment of acne and acne scars can prevent permanent scarring and improve the appearance of pre-existing scars.

Some of the common risks and complications may include





Changes in skin colour

acne scar skin problem

Some of the common types of Acne scars include:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The average price range of acne scar removal treatment:

    Mild to moderate treatment costs: $1800 – $3500

    Severe treatment costs: $3500 – $7000

  • In my experience, most patients can expect an average improvement of 50 – 70%. For the majority of cases, patients see a 70 – 80% improvement in acne scars.

    The amount of improvement also depends on:

    • the type of acne scar you have

    • your skin type and skin response.

  • Acne scars may take about 3 to 6 months to completely disappear on their own. However, deeper acne scars may require treatment as they cause permanent damage to the skin.

  • The type of acne scar removal depends on the type of the acne scar. For post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, these scars typically respond well to topical medications. On the other hand, deeper scars such as ice pick, boxcar, rolling, or keloid scars generally require treatment such as chemical peeling, laser therapy or microneedling.

  • • Avoid popping or squeezing acne or pimples

    • Wear sunscreen

    • Keep your skin moisturised

    • Treat acne promptly

  • While certain natural remedies are known to lighten acne scars or make them less noticeable, many of these remedies, such as using apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or coconut oil, are not scientifically proven to reduce scarring in the long term.

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